Trace Detection

Detecting and identifying harmful drugs like fentanyl is critical for law enforcement and regulatory agencies today.  These drugs pose a threat to both users and those trying to protect and serve.  IMS has been the instrument of choice for trace detection. HPIMS is aimed at reduced false alarms owing its high resolving power. A two-dimensional HPIMS-MS system offers rapid detect and confirm capability in one compact device for both lab and field.

Trace Detection image

Worldwide, about 0.5 million deaths are attributable to drug use. More than 70% of these deaths are related to opioids, with more than 30% of those deaths caused by overdose.

There is a lot of excitement around fentanyl detection in the industry right now, but there are still some basic requirements of performance which need to be met. 

  • The device need to be fieldable.
  • It needs to deliver unit mass resolution in order to be called a mass spec, a requirement for court acceptance.  
  • It needs to be easy to validate, calibrate and acquire data.

Government agencies around the world are looking for the capability to identify 100s of compounds in the field, and that is what HPIMS can do. Excellims’ HPIMS product line is the analytical benchmark by which other fieldable detectors will .be measured.

The MC3100 HPIMS-MS overcomes the limitations of chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry that can only be used in a lab setting and poor performance of current trace detection device in the field.  HPIMS-MS can bring rapid, high resolution detection out of the lab to the point-of-need.


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Excellims scientists the experts in IMS technology

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